What we can do together:
- Take advantage of good data visualization guidelines to explore and communicate data effectively.
- Design charts, tables, and dashboards suitable for the task;
- Find suitable distribution and sharing options.
Let’s get started!
The evaluation of an information system is often decided by how the data reaches the end-user. Nothing symbolizes this more perfectly than the most requested feature in large systems: the export-to-Excel button. Effectively covering this last mile is essential for the data to fulfill its mission.
There is no single effective way of exploiting and communicating data. It’s all about combining methods suited to the concrete situation. This list is not exhaustive, but it helps us to understand the diversity and complementarity of approaches:
Tables are helpful when you need to find and use individual values and the source for further calculations.
Graphic table
Graph tables combine values with a visual attribute that helps you quickly understand how the data is distributed. They are great in an exploratory phase when knowledge of the data is scarce, but they can also be an excellent means of communication (the population density map on the website’s home page is a graphical table).
A graph is displays relationships between data points, taking advantage of the eye-brain system for processing visual stimuli.
Text (oral, written) is the natural form of communication that helps integrate and consolidate the various dimensions of the data into a consistent narrative.
Statistical methods
Statistical methods help us identify and quantify relevant information (signal) and exclude unnecessary variation (noise).
A dashboard allows you to effectively communicate a message that is more complex than a single graphic. The nature of the dashboard varies depending on the task: a summary of the organization’s key indicators, or a set of real-time monitoring charts for a particular process, are typical examples of dashboards.
KPI ( Key Performance Indicators ) tend to portray the state of a variable at a given moment. Its use is widespread in organizations, but sometimes it is used in a decontextualized way, either in terms of its history (“how did we get here?”) or without a clear connection to other indicators.